(Takla Assaf) Takla's Tacos Blog 4
Takla's Tacos Blog 4

"an integral part of any restaurant is its customer service. It doesn’t matter how fabulous your restaurant décor is or how delicious your food is, if the service doesn’t meet or exceed customers’ expectations, there is a good chance they won’t come back. Customer service covers many different parts of restaurants day to day operations, going far beyond the front of the house staff." -

The most important part of the restaurant is the customers, without a large amount of them you will quickly run out of money. Even a slight decrease in customers in the restaurant can greatly effect your cash-flow income. So what do you do? You make sure you get re-visitors and families and couples who are regular customers. The only way this can happen is if you treat them like The Royal Family once they walk through your door. Everyone likes to be treated like a King or Queen. won't you? Won't you like a cup of wine on the house? Free refills when you actually have to pay? Its the best feeling ever to have superior treatment... if you do this to your customers, they will be a face that always does that re-appearing visit.
"Good food and good atmosphere are no good without good customer service. The first year of establishing a new restaurant is hectic, to say the least. From my own experience, the hardest part of owning a restaurant was dealing with staff. I had a great staff, for the most part. But there were always the occasional oops, why did we hire you? Some people are just naturally good at dealing with customers and waiting tables or tending bar. Others need more training, and eventually come round. Still, others just need to find a new profession." - LORRI MEALEY
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