Taklas Tacos Blog 1 Introduction and Main Idea (Takla Assaf)
By Takla Assaf

The Great Nation of Canada is a beautiful land with opportunities, where dreams come true and life is up high. But with opportunities comes responsibility, commitment, sacrifice, time, and energy. For you to be in Capitalism you have to be smart and on alert for any problems in your business, competition is at a all time high. More and more Migrants are coming to this country looking for a better life of good business and money making jobs. The harder you work the more money you make. We all wish to be wealthy and rich, but it's up to you to make yourself for who you want to be.

"From steakhouses to sub shops, more and more restaurants are popping up in cities every day. Since restaurants are such a common business venture, people must enjoy running them. How do these benefits sound to you? Be your own boss, have more flexibility, and sincerely enjoy what you do. Not bad. However, all of those advantages come at a price - building a restaurant from scratch isn't easy. It's a hard and expensive process, and the reality is that many restaurants fail in their first year of business. But rest assured, there are ways to reduce the risk of becoming another statistic. Follow some of these handy tips and you too can run a successful food establishment." - Stephanie Morrow College Professor
Owning , opening, and maintaining a restaurant takes a lot of commitment, time, and both physical and mental labor. There are many things you have to get prepared before opening any small business… especially a restaurant. The issues that may come up when dealing with a brand new restaurant is the recognize what increases and quality of your customer experience. Anyone can just walk into a hardware store and buy whatever they want, walk out satisfied because they have brought whatever they wanted. But when it comes to restaurants lots and lots of factors come to play a part when opening one. Not only does the food come to judgement, but also the environment, customer service, the attitudes and compassion of the waiters and waitresses. The judging of the restaurant can even come down to the design of the menu.
Anyone with the right amount of cash can open up a fancy restaurant and not even lift a finger. But for the rest of us who have a long time dream of doing so without a hefty Bank account can also do it… but it will take a lot of hard work and commitment.
The personal sacrifices of opening your restaurant can be stressful and overwhelming Showing up every day ready and to overcome any stressful problems and assessments, and able to run your business with the willingness to risk your time, your money, and your lifestyle having a high tolerance for stressful conflict and being able to talk to strangers.
This is a high risk high outcome life you have to live when starting your dream restorant.
“What’s the biggest reason for failure? Lack of planning. Before you ever make dinner for a customer, you’ll spend a lot of time figuring out every detail of your restaurant. From kitchen appliances and menus to floors plans and staff selections, the planning stage will make or break your restaurant.”
-Lisa Furgison
“I wanted the restaurant more than anything else in life, so the sacrifices were endless and I never minded making them,”
-Kim Strengari
The List Of Major Things To Take In Consideration (Priority Checklist)
the Main Idea - start a small taco oriented restaurant in downtown Mississauga
Your business plan will help you recognize how much money you will need to start the restaurant. Setting a budget is the top priority before doing anything else. Its important to also have the money in hand at all times.
Budget - $85,000
Location - rent a small storefront with cheap monthly rent in a busy location.
“With a restaurant, location is everything. You need a spot that draws crowds, is easily accessible, and has the potential for growth. Of course, you need a location that fits within your budget too.” - Lisa Furgison
Takla has $85,000 to invest in her business. She is aware of the costs and fees she will need to pay before opening her new restaurant.
Takla found a storefront location to setup shop. The location is just what she wants and its up for rent. The monthly cost of rent for this Location is $2,000 a month.
Takla has her storefront all set, she just needs to decorate her restaurant with furniture and decrotives. The furniture cost her $10,500.
For her to begin her restaurant she will Need kitchen equipments wich cost her $9,300.
Takla leased a van for her to get all of the supplies she needs to open her restaurant daily. The lease for her van costs her $250 of monthly payments.
Before she opens her restaurant she will Need to hire qualified workers to run the kitchen of her restaurant.
“How many people do you need on staff to get started? Some restaurant pros advocate for bringing on a manager prior to opening day, but think through your biggest needs. Do you need a dishwasher? How many cooks? What about servers? Take your time as you hire staff. Consider doing a soft opening so you can see how smoothly things run with just a few essential positions.” - Lisa Furgison
1 cook - $190 a day
1 Assistant Cook - $140 a day
2 waiters/waitresses - $140 a day
1 chashier - $140 a day
Takla needs to buy groceries daily for her restaurant. Her grocery bill costs her $450 daily for shopping at the farmers market.
Takla opens her restaurant from 11am - 11pm
Only closed on Sundays.
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