
Showing posts from February, 2018

Takla's Tacos Blog 5 (Takla Assaf)

Takla's Tacos Blog 5  By. Takla Assaf T he best reason why you want to open a restaurant is its because it has been your dream to do so. Don't open a restaurant just for the money, because then you wont enjoy yourself, and people can tell that there is no passion that has been put into the restaurant. you need to have the passion to put up with the stress and hard times. Every successful restaurant is not there out of the bloom. these people work hard. they started on the ground and have worked their way up. successful restaurant owners started with a dream... a dream that has become true through the sweat of there brow. If a man doesn't work neither shall he eat. This blog is to inform you on the BASIC requirements on opening a small restaurant. If you really want to invest in opening your very on restaurant its should be your responsibility to figure out your investment choices. The personal commitment you have towards yourself is what mostly makes up...

(Takla Assaf) Takla's Tacos Blog 4

 Takla's Tacos Blog 4 By.Takla Assaf Customer Care and Service "an integral part of any restaurant is its customer service. It doesn’t matter how fabulous your restaurant décor is or how delicious your food is, if the service doesn’t meet or exceed customers’ expectations, there is a good chance they won’t come back. Customer service covers many different parts of restaurants day to day operations, going far beyond the front of the house staff." -    LORRI MEALEY The most important part of the restaurant is the customers, without a large amount of them you will quickly run out of money. Even a slight decrease in customers in the restaurant can greatly effect your cash-flow income. So what do you do? You make sure you get re-visitors and families and couples who are regular customers. The only way this can happen is if you treat them like The Royal Family once they walk through your door. Everyone likes to be treated like a King or Queen. won...

Takla's Tacos Blog 3 (Takla Assaf)

Takla's Tacos Blog 3  by. Takla Assaf Restaurant  Management   After you've started and opened the restaurant you will need good management to maintain the wellness of the cash-flow.  A daily business review and assessment report allows Me  to build a history of my restaurant. It can help me analyze sales trends, payroll costs, customer counts, and to predict future business.  As the manager and owner of my  restaurant  Managing a restaurant involves many different responsibilities, from hiring and overseeing to tracking sales and basic accounting. There are lots of tools available to help manage my restaurant easier, to be a restaurant owner I need to be able to delegate tasks and know when to asses the problems.     It would be nice if your new restaurant was successful to the point that you needed to worry about advertising and getting the word out to the locals and tourists, few establishments h...

Taklas Tacos Blog 2 (Takla Assaf)

Taklas Tacos  By Takla Assaf The heart of the restaurant is the equipment you use to serve your customers. you want well top quality cooking supplies. The more you invest in quality, the higher the quality will be your service.  My restaurant  Takla's Tacos  is mostly "take out" food centric. A take out Restaurant  is quick based and fast work. Unlike dining restaurants that are slow pased and relaxed. people correlate takeout restaurants with lower quality food. but this is absolutely not true. In larger cities such as Mississauga and Toronto, there is a huge demand for "quick bite to eat" restaurants. In 2018 Most people don't have time to sit down and take there time eating luch. But rather people are always on the go and will want anything good and appetizing to eat for lunch. has a great checklist on how to get your restaurant going before opening... Decide on...

Taklas Tacos Blog 1 Introduction and Main Idea (Takla Assaf)

Takla’s Tacos By Takla Assaf The Great Nation of Canada is a  beautiful land with opportunities, where dreams come true and life is up high. But with opportunities comes responsibility, commitment, sacrifice, time, and energy. For you to be in Capitalism you have to be smart and on alert for any problems in your business, competition is at a all time high. More and more Migrants are coming to this country looking for a better life of good business and money making jobs. The harder you work the more money you make. We all wish to be wealthy and rich, but it's up to you to make yourself for who you want to be. "From steakhouses to sub shops, more and more restaurants are popping up in cities every day. Since restaurants are such a common business venture, people must enjoy running them. How do these benefits sound to you? Be your own boss, have more flexibility, and sincerely enjoy what you do. Not bad. However, all of those advantages come at a price - build...